Health and Safety
In keeping with the corporate philosophy that “safety & health are the most valuable factors that take precedence over all other things and they are the basis that supports business development,” Baowi Steel adheres to its manufacturing values, in which priority comes first on safety, environment, and disaster prevention, second on quality, and third on production. We seek to improve our occupational safety & health management system (OSHMS) and to make a safe and secure workplace. Our safety & health policy applies to Baowi Steel and all related companies. As for the OSHMS, the safety & health policy, targets, and plan are prepared and the management cycle of PDCA cycle is followed in order to make continual improvement. We are considering to applying for ISO (JIS) 45001 certification, to be announced in the near future.
Creation of a workplace which is disciplined but has a comfortable and friendly atmosphere with the company, business partners, and group companies working with a sense of unity
We strive to create a disciplined but comfortable and friendly workplace atmosphere through open communications, enhanced education programs on safety and health, and support for the safety activities of group companies and our business partners.
Reducing disaster risks to zero
We make a risk assessment when planning a new project and regularly conduct safety and risk assessment for existing projects, to prevent accidents and reduce risks. We also seek for greater safety of equipment even when such equipment is essentially safe, and take countermeasures against human error.
Group-wide sharing of effective measures
We are sharing effective examples of accident-preventive measures and those based on analysis of actual accidents.
Safety Promotion Committee and Safety & Health Committee
Initiatives to deal with risk management and other issues related to labor safety & health risk management (i.e., ascertaining progress status of horizontal development of safety initiatives for abolishing similar disasters) are led by the Safety Promotion Committee chaired by an executive officer in charge of labor safety. The Committee regularly reports to the Board of Directors which supervises its activities.
The Safety & Health Committee, participants of which include representatives of the labor union and each workplace, has a scope of its activities in all offices and works. Representatives from the management team, including officers in charge of safety & health, and from the labor union, meet regularly to exchange opinions. Through such dialogues between management and labor, we seek to ensure the safer labor environment.
Safety training
We make efforts to improve training for accident prevention. The safety training programs are attended by all newly-appointed managers of manufacturing worksites . Our Taikan Program (an experience-based safety education program) allows employees to experience worksite risk through simulation, so as to better prepare them in anticipating and managing risk.